Tea Tree oil is one of the most popular and widely used in household, personal toiletries, cleansers as well as in natural remedies. Tea tree oil comes from a type of small tree and is grown on commercial plantation in Australia. It is produced from tea tree’s leaves and twigs through steam distillation. Tee tree has more outstanding properties, it stimulates the immune system, inhibits the growth of viruses, prevents or destroy fungal infection and kill bacteria. Tea tree helps to loosen and remove mucus, has its ability to stimulate heavy sweating to reduce fever. Tea tree is known to improve oral hygiene, mouth ulcers, and toothaches. Often use in baths, massage blends, air spray and diffuser to treat respiratory tracts infections.
Therapeutic Actions:
Cleansing, protecting, soothing, flushing, and refreshing
Common Uses:
Fights conditions such as athlete’s foot, wounds (promotes healing), rashes, insect bites, lice, dandruff, diaper rash, ringworm; heals cold sores, boosts immunity, relieves symptoms of respiratory complaints; relieves the itching, redness, and other types of skin irritations
Beauty Tips:
Tea tree works well on a wide range of skin problems, including blemishes, rashes, and warts. Undiluted use of tea tree on pimple may “harden” the pimple because it is very drying and this may cause the pimple to take almost 2 weeks for the bump to disappear. It is best to dilute the essential oil with a few drops of jojoba oil. Men can prevent skin irritation from shaving and infection of ingrown hairs by applying tea tree oil after shaving. Tea tree is an effective treatment for fungal infection of the fingernails.
Aromatic Influence:
It promotes cleansing and purity. The scent is spicy, strong and pungent.
Blends Well With:
Clary sage, geranium, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, marjoram, rosemary, thyme
Photosensitivity: None
Dilute 50-50
- 1 part essential oil with 1 part of carrier oil. For age 0-1, use 1 drop of essential oil to 8-10 drop of carrier oil. For age 2-6, use 1 drop of essential oil to 2-4 drops of carrier oil. For age 7 and above, use 1 drop of essential oil to 1 drop of carrier oil.
Apply 2-4 drops on area of concern
Apply to chakras and/or Vita Flex Points
Inhale directly or diffuse
May cause skin sensitization if it is old or oxidized.
Do not use on deep wounds
Avoid contact with eyes
Avoid contact with mucous membranes
May be toxic if taken internally
May irritate the skin so it is better to dilute the oil
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